The many unique values provided by stainless steel make it a powerful candidate in materials selection. Engineers and designers often underestimate or overlook these values because of what is viewed as the higher initial cost of stainless steel. However, over the total life of a project, stainless is often the best value option.
Stainless steel is essentially a low carbon steel which contains chromium at 10% or more by
weight. It is this addition of chromium that gives the steel its unique stainless, corrosion resisting properties.
chromium content of the steel allows the formation of a rough, adherent, invisible, corrosion-resisting chromium
oxide film on the steel surface. If damaged mechanically or chemically, this film is self-healing, providing
that oxygen, even in very small amounts, is present. The corrosion resistance and other useful properties of the
steel are enhanced by increased chromium content and the addition of other elements such as molybdenum, nickel and
There are more than 60 grades of stainless steel. However, the entire group can be divided
into four classes. Each is identified by the alloying elements which affect their microstructure and for which each
is named.